Bradford Nicholas Knetl was my best friend by choice and my cousin by blood, but he was my brother more than anything else. The website you read this on was the product of our combined enthusiasm and meager skills. Everything here is because of him. Everything to come—and there is a lot on the way—is for him.
James Sinks
Brad's life:
- Born November 20, 1981, 10:19
- Brad's albums, 2001-2002 (2002)
- Brad and James' albums, 2001-2008 (2020)
- Married December 13, 2014, 12:20:05
- Died January 28, 2015, 23:55:27
- Celebrated February 8, 2015
- Objects Have Power
- First Cell Phone
- Addendum: Last Cell Phone
- Cheers, bro
- Counting seconds
- Ghost In The Machine
- Six Months: Last Hamburger, Last Fire
- An Inheritance